
Terms & Conditions for Retail valid from March 24, 2025
We inform you that starting from 27.01.2025 the ‘Ibrahim Rugova’’ Branch will be transferred to its new premises
Terms & Conditions for Retail / Business valid from January 3, 2025
Terms & Conditions for Retail / Business valid from November 8, 2024
Announcement for clients
Stacioni i Trenit Branch Reallocation
Terms & Conditions for Retail valid from September 18, 2024
We inform you that, due to system maintenance, on Saturday
We inform you that, due to system maintenance, digital banking services will not be functional on Saturday
Terms & Conditions for Retail / Business valid from April 02, 2024
We inform you that, due to an intervention aimed at improving the system, on Saturday
Terms & Conditions for Retail / Business valid from February 23, 2024
We would like to inform you that pursuant to the Decision of the Council of Ministers, all branches of BKT will be closed on November 27-28-29, 2023.
Terms & Conditions for Retail / Business valid from December 06, 2023
Kindly be informed that starting from 01.11.2023, Durrës Branch will be allocated
Terms & Conditions for Retail / Business valid from September 20, 2023
We want to kindly inform you that starting from July 10, 2023 the ‘’Qyteti i Nxënësve’’ branch will be reallocated
Terms & Conditions
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare in cooperation with DSIK Albania and Albania Association of Banks (AAB) supports the initiatives for financial education of the younger generation and gives its contribution with trainings of different forms for the creation of educational-financial culture in children
​Tirana, Albania (May 24, 2022) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare participated in the Labour and Skills Fair organized in the premises of "Liria" Square, Durrës with representatives of over 63 businesses which offers 1500 job vacancies.
May 25, 2022 Day Off for BKT Tirana Branches!
Today in the premises of Faculty of Economics, was organized Labor Fair 2022.
BKT informs that starting from 19 April 2022, it will offer new interest rates for every deposit product, Saving Account and as well an interest rate of 0.01% for all current accounts in every currency.
Tirana, Albania (March 28, 2018) – Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has now been supporting the tradition of "Work & Study" fair for several years, to be as close as possible to the labor and study market.
BKT informs that starting from 23 March 2022, it will offer an interest rate of 0.01% for all current accounts of customers in Euro and Dollar currencies.
​Banka Kombetare Tregtare as part of the international organization UN Women supports and will be part of the event for International Women’s Day, 8 March, 2022
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare starting from 24 January 2022 will treat as domestic transfers all transfers made in EURO currency and that are within the territory of the country, made by individual clients or entities.
01-02.01.2022 Day off for Durres Port agency
We would like to inform you that the branches BKT Concord and BKT Kristal, on Friday, 31 December 2021 will work from 10:00 to 16:30.
We would like to inform you that pursuant to the Decision of the Council of Ministers, all branches of BKT will be closed on Tuesday, November 30, 2021.
​We inform you that starting from October 25, 2021 Kamza branch will be moved
We inform you that the Saranda Branch will be closed on 2-3 September 2021.
BKT will not charge any interest or penalty for the loan repayments that fell on 3rd or 4th August 2021.
Today and tomorrow (04.08.2021 – 05.08.2021) all our branches will serve until 20:00 in order to compensate for our interrupted services.
Today, August 4, 2021 all branches of BKT throughout Albania will be open until 20:00.
The hardware problem that caused a short-term interruption in our banking system has been resolved.
Core Banking System Technical Problem
Terms & conditions for Retail / Business valid from July 30, 2021
Tirana, Albania (9 July, 2021) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is become part of the National Work Internship Program, Part VI.
We would like to inform you that after July 15, 2021, in the Concord and Kristal branches, Sunday will be a day off.
We would like to inform you that due to the maintenance and improvement of the system, some of the services of the Banka Kombetare Tregtare on all its channels will be non-functional on Sunday 27.06.2021 during the hours 01:00 AM - 04:00 AM.
We would like to inform you that due to the maintenance and improvement of the system, some of the services of the Banka Kombetare Tregtare on all its channels will be non-functional on Sunday 13.06.2021 during the hours 01:00 AM - 04:00 AM.
Starting from June 1, 2021 Kashar branch will be moved to the address: Godina Iliria Katundi i Ri (Kashar, Yrshek), Tirana.
We inform you that this publication does not affect your information and security in Banka Kombëtare Tregtare.
We would like to inform you that starting from January 6, 2021 the customer service of Çlirimi branch will be offered at the BKT Shkodra branch with the address:
We inform you that on December 1, 2020, “BKT DEGA QENDRORE” will be transferred opposite the violin entrance to the TEG.
We would like to inform you that according to the provisions of Law No. 4 dated on 31.01.2020 "On Automatic Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts" Banka Kombëtare Tregtare as one of the Financial Institutions in Albania is obliged to determine the necessary measures to identify the place where their customers are resident as well as the tax identification number in the respective country

We would like to inform you that from October 15, 2020, the Concord and Kristal branches will work on the following schedules:

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare informs all its customer that:
We would like to inform you that our branches Concord, Kristal and Agjencia Doganore Porti Durrës have returned to normal working hours also during weekends.
To avoid further spread of COVID-19, we would like to inform you that our branches BKT DEGA CONCORD (Tirana), BKT DEGA KRISTAL (Tirana) and BKT DEGA KASTRIOTI (Fieri) will reopen on Monday, May 11, 2020.
Banka Kombetare Tregtare following the order issued by Bank of Albania on April 08, 2020, with the purpose of supporting our customers to overpass the situation created from COVID -19
We would like to inform you that all our branches throughout Albania will be open from 8:30 to 15:00. This schedule is valid from April 14, 2020, until further notice.
Banka Kombetare Tregtare following the order issued by Albanian Government and Bank of Albania on 17th of March 2020, with the purpose of supporting our customers
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, to avoid further spread of COVID-19 we suggests to follow the instructions below:
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare clarifies its position regarding the publications in some portals as follows:
Banka Kombetare Tregtare, inform all the customers, individuals or legal representatives of the commercial enterprises, that during 2019 will expire the Identification Documents issued on 2009.
anka Kombëtare Tregtare has been reaffirmed for the eighth time as "The Best Bank in Albania for 2017" in the financial services industry by one of the most prestigious financial magazines, “The Banker”, a Financial Times publication, which annually selects the best banks in the world.
The prestigious British financial magazine EMEA Finance, that awards each year best banks and financial institutions, awarded BKT for the eighth consecutive year “The Best Local Bank in Albania for 2017”. This success was an evaluation for BKT which successfully continued its restructure, reinvent, and retool for the year ahead and future challenges.
BKT keeps getting international evaluations! The pre-eminent British magazine Euromoney for 2017 reaffirms BKT for the sixth consecutive year as “The Best Bank in Albania”.
JCR Eurasia Rating, ka rivlerësuar BKT me AAA (Alb) për të dhjetën herë radhazi në terma afatgjatë në nivel kombëtar e cila tregon nivelin më të lartë të investimit, dhe në terma afatshkutër në nivel kombëtar me notën ‘A-1+ (Alb)’, me një situatë “të qëndrueshme” për të dyja vlerësimet.