Rezultatet e kerkimit

JANE 304 REZULTATE PER %ED%8F%AC%ED%95%AD%EA%B2%BD%EA%B8%B0%EC%B6%9C%EC%9E%A5%ED%9B%84%EB%B6%88%E3%80%90Talk:za32%E3%80%91%ED%95%9C%EA%B5%AD%20%EC%B5%9C%EA%B3%A0%EC%9D%98%20%EC%97%AC%ED%96%89%20%EB%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80%EB%8C%80%EA%B5%AC%EC%8A%A4%ED%8F%AC%EC%B8%A0%EB%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80%EA%B5%90%EC%9C%A1%EC%84%BC%ED%84%B0

UI/UX and related services Partnership

...and related services Partnership 2024...

UI/UX and related services Partnership

...and related services Partnership 2024...

The first generation of the students in Faculty of the Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) was graduated on September 13, 2011.

...first generation of the students in Faculty of the Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP) was graduated on September 13, 2011. 2012 17 students were graduated, out of whom 15 had the pleasure an

Privileged Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions – Rihapje procesi

ed Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions – Rihapje procesi...

Privileged Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions - Reopen process

ed Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions - Reopen process...

Privileged Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions - Reopen process

ed Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions - Reopen process...

Privileged Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions - Reopen process

ed Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions - Reopen process...

Privileged Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions

ed Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions...

Privileged Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions

ed Access Management / Identity Access Management Solutions...

During year 2022, BKT reached the highest historic profit

...important developments in your bank and more broadly in the activity of the Albanian banking system? 2022 was the years of records for BKT, we have reached highest profit figures ever which is almo

Cooperation Agreement: BKT –Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice

...Agreement: BKT –Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice 2012 BKT continues for the 5th year to sponsor studies in “Bank Management” field, Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice (FASTIP) n


...PARTICIPATING IN THE LABOR FAIR ORGANIZED BY THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS 2022 Today in the premises of Faculty of Economics, was organized Labor Fair 2022.

Aleksandër Moisiu" University Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony of the students of the Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice (FASTIP)

...Moisiu" University Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony of the students of the Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice (FASTIP) 2018 The 11-year collaboration between BKT and FASTIP

License’s Renewal - Dual factor authentication and health checks for VPN users(DUO, ISE, AnyConnect)

...Renewal - Dual factor authentication and health checks for VPN users(DUO, ISE, AnyConnect)...

License’s Renewal - Dual factor authentication and health checks for VPN users(DUO, ISE, AnyConnect)

...Renewal - Dual factor authentication and health checks for VPN users(DUO, ISE, AnyConnect)...

Këtë Shën Valentin festo me cashback apo eXtra Bonus!

Vlera totale e dy transaksioneve duhet te jetë të paktën 10,000 lekë Të përfshira janë të gjithë kartat e kreditit Prima dhe kartat e debitit BanKomaT individuale të cilat plotësojnë kushtet e mësipër

Enjoy Saint Valentine with cashback or eXtra Bonus

Included in this campaign are only Prima and BanKomaT retail credit cards who fulfill the above criteria. Valid will be considered only transactions performed in BKT POS’s Transctions will be counted


Supervision and Validation of works for the needs of BKT

...and Validation of works for the needs of BKT 2024...

Super Kredi për Super Dëshira!

Merr një Super Kredi në BKT dhe përfito:...

ServiceDesk Support Renewal (ITAM)

eDesk Support Renewal (ITAM) 2023...

ServiceDesk Support Renewal (ITAM)

ServiceDesk Support Renewal (ITAM)

eDesk Support Renewal (ITAM) 2023...

Saranda Branch closed 2-3 September 2021

...Branch closed 2-3 September 2021 02-09-2021 We inform you that the Saranda Branch will be closed on 2-3 September 2021. Dear customers! We inform you that the Saranda Branch will be closed on 2-3 S

Rinovimi i Suportit për ServiceDesk (ITAM)

...i Suportit për ServiceDesk (ITAM) 2022...

Production of Printed Materials

President of Çalik Holding honored by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth with the Social Solidarity Prize

...of Çalik Holding honored by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth with the Social Solidarity Prize 2014 The Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth has awarded Social Solidarity Prize for year 2014

Po kërkoni ofertën më të mirë për kredi pa kolateral?

...kërkoni ofertën më të mirë për kredi pa kolateral? BKT ofron Super Kredi deri në 2,000,000 Lekë me normë interesi që fillon nga 2.7%! BKT ofron Super Kredi deri në 2,000,000 Lekë me normë interesi

Pay the credit card using the ATM

...the credit card using the ATM Shorten the time and avoid the long queues by paying your credit card using BKT ATM’s. Just put any of your cards in the ATM and follow the easy procedures. The accoun

Pay another credit card from e-banking or BKT Smart

...another credit card from e-banking or BKT Smart Paying another credit card now is faster and easier. Simply log in e-banking or BKT Smart. On the credit card section you may find the option “Pay an

Paguaj detyrimin e një karte tjetër krediti nga e-banking dhe BKT Smart

...detyrimin e një karte tjetër krediti nga e-banking dhe BKT Smart Shpejtësi dhe lehtësi në pagesën e një kartë tjetër krediti! Mjafton thjesht të logoheni në e-banking ose BKT Smart. Nën sektorin ka

Paguaj detyrimin e kartës së kreditit në ATM

...detyrimin e kartës së kreditit në ATM Shkurtoni mjaftueshëm kohë dhe shmangni rradhën e gjatë duke paguar kartën në çdo ATM të BKT. Mjafton të futni njerën nga kartat në ATM dhe të ndiqni hapat e t


...MË E MIRË NDONJËHERË PËR KREDI HIPOTEKORE BKT Kredi për shtëpi - Mos e humb shansin e jetës! Financim 100% i vlerës së shtëpisë duke filluar nga norma interesit 2.5% Nëse po mendoni të blini një sh

Need Loan

National Commercial Bank reports increased net profit for the first quarter of year 2022

...Commercial Bank reports increased net profit for the first quarter of year 2022 2022 ​BKT reports that the net profit for June 2022 for BKT Albania only, increased to 53 million USD compared to Jun

Monitorimi i Medias për BKT

Medalja "Best Buy"

...ështe vlerësuar me medaljen Best Buy 2021 BKT ështe vlerësuar me medaljen Best Buy si institucioni financiar për raportin më të mirë të cilësisë së shërbimeve bankare në tregun shqiptar Sipas humul

Leased BGP IPv4 block and ASN number

Leased BGP IPv4 block and ASN number

Kredi me peng Depozite/ Titulli Qeveritar

Kredi konsumatore me kolateral

Jira Licenses and related Atlassian applications

...Licenses and related Atlassian applications 2023...

Instituti Botëror i Bankave të Kursimeve zgjedh Bordin e ri Drejtues. Një bankë shqiptare bëhet për herë të parë pjesë e këtij Bordi.

...Botëror i Bankave të Kursimeve zgjedh Bordin e ri Drejtues. Një bankë shqiptare bëhet për herë të parë pjesë e këtij Bordi. 2012 Për herë të parë në historinë e kësaj organizate prestigjioze, mes s

Fito eXtra Bonus në pagesat me kartat e krediti Prima ne TAO TAO

...eXtra Bonus në pagesat me kartat e krediti Prima ne TAO TAO Përveç aventurës dhe argëtimit në TAO TAO, kartat e kreditit BKT Prima ju dhurojnë eXtra Bonus në çdo pagesë që ju kryeni! Përveç aventur

Extended Warranty and Support for Cisco and other Networking Equipment

ed Warranty and Support for Cisco and other Networking Equipment...

Extended Warranty and Support for Cisco and other Networking Equipment

ed Warranty and Support for Cisco and other Networking Equipment...

Extended Warranty and Support for Cisco and other Networking Equipment

ed Warranty and Support for Cisco and other Networking Equipment...

Earn eXtra Bonus when you use your BKT Prima credit cards at TAO TAO

...eXtra Bonus when you use your BKT Prima credit cards at TAO TAO Fun, adventure and eXtra Bonus with your BKT Prima credit cards any time you use them at TAO TAO. Furthermore you can spend your Prim

Depozita në monedhë të huaj

...më të larta për depozitat në çdo monedhë! Deri në LEK 7.2 % USD 5.85% EUR 4% Këto norma i referohen depozitës Matrushka. Mësohu të kesh më shumë interesa, më shumë fitim, më shumë fleksibilitet, më

Credit Card Application

Collateralized Consumer Loan


...& ATM MEDRESE 41.342777, 19.834722 Rr. e Dibrës, Tiranë, Shqipëri +355 4 23 79 383 No

Blerje dhe Instalimi për “Pajisje për Video Konference për Sallë Mbledhjesh”

...dhe Instalimi për “Pajisje për Video Konference për Sallë Mbledhjesh” 2022...

BKT supports financial education initiatives

...supports financial education initiatives 2022 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare in cooperation with DSIK Albania and Albania Association of Banks (AAB) supports the initiatives for financial education of th

BKT Reawarded as Bank of Year 2011 By The Banker

...Reawarded as Bank of Year 2011 By The Banker 2011 (BKT) has been re-awarded as “Bank of the Year 2011 for Albania” by The Banker, the banking sector’s magazine of Financial Times.

BKT Reawarded As Bank of Year 2010

...Reawarded As Bank of Year 2010 2011 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is reelected as Bank of Albania for 2010 by the prestigious magazine EMEA Finance BKT REAWARDED AS BANK OF YEAR 2010 Tirana, Albania (Ju


...PARTICIPATED IN THE EXHIBITION "I HAVE A DREAM” – UN WOMEN 2022 Tirana, Albania, (March 8, 2022) - Mr. Seyhan Pencablıgil CEO and Board Member of Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) participated in the

BKT Ofron Menyra Te Reja Kreditimi Per Biznesin

...Ofron Menyra Te Reja Kreditimi Per Biznesin 2014 Në kuadër të kreditimit të ekonomisë dhe lehtësimit në përballimin e sfidave që hasin bizneset sot, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare ka hedhur në treg shumë

BKT Offers New Crediting Opportunities for Business

...Offers New Crediting Opportunities for Business 2013 In the framework of economy lending and mitigation on the challenges affords faced nowadays by the business, Banka Kombetare Tregtare has launch

BKT Media Monitoring

BKT ka patur një rritje të fortë, në portofolin e kredive individuale dhe atë të depozitave ndërkohë që angazhimi ynë i vazhdueshëm drejt dixhitalizimit po shpërblehet, me rritje të shpejtë të përdorimit të kanaleve dixhitale

...25 Shtator 2023 Si ka qenë ecuria e BKT gjatë vitit 2022 dhe pjesën e deritanishme të 2023? Gjatë vitit 2022, BKT ka patur një rritje të fortë, me 21% rritje në portofolin e kredive individuale dhe

BKT Introduces the New Loan Guarantee Agreement signed between BKT and Municipality of Tirana

...Introduces the New Loan Guarantee Agreement signed between BKT and Municipality of Tirana 2013 Within the framework of expanding the cooperation with Local Government and the corporate social respo

BKT Hosted Albania Roundtable in the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum

...Hosted Albania Roundtable in the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum 2020 BKT HOSTED ALBANIA ROUNDTABLE IN THE EUROMONEY CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPEAN FORUM Vienna, Austria (15 January 2020) –

BKT Hosted Albania Roundtable IN the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum

...Hosted Albania Roundtable IN the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum 2018 On 16-17 January 2018, Euromoney Conferences, in its 23rd installment of its Central and Eastern Europe Forum , was

BKT Hosted Albania Roundtable IN the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum

...Hosted Albania Roundtable IN the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum 2017 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, sponsored and organized for the second consecutive year, the Albania Roundtable “Albania’s

BKT has organized a meeting with agribusiness representative

...has organized a meeting with agribusiness representative 2016 BKT organized a friendly meeting with representatives from the Agribusiness sector in the premises of Sheraton Hotel. BKT has organized

BKT has demonstrated a robust growth in retail loans and deposits portfolio while our ongoing commitment to digitalization is paying off, with digital usage growing exponentially

Seyhan Pencablıgil, Chief Executive Officer and Board Member of BKT For Monitor Magazine, 25th of September 2023 How has BKT progressed during 2022 and the current part of 2023? BKT has demonstrated r

BKT donates for the Roma in need

...donates for the Roma in need 2013 Banka Kombetare Tregtare, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey to Tirana and the Roma Integration Association and Antitraffic of Children, in

BKT Celebrates Its 90th Anniversary With "The Best Bank In Albania" Award Received for the Sixth Time By "The Banker"

...Celebrates Its 90th Anniversary With "The Best Bank In Albania" Award Received for the Sixth Time By "The Banker" 2015 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has been selected as "The Bank of the Year in Albania

BKT Awarded as "Best Bank in Albania for 2012" By Euromoney Magazine

...Awarded as "Best Bank in Albania for 2012" By Euromoney Magazine 2012 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded as “The Best Bank of Albania” in Euromoney Awards for Excellence 2012 by pre-eminent intern

BKT Awarded as Bank of Year 2012

...Awarded as Bank of Year 2012 2013 EMEA Finance magazine selects Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil as “CEO of the Year 2012 in Europe”. This evaluation recognizes Mr. Pencabligil’s contribution in the strategi

BKT Awarded as Bank of the Year 2013 By Emea Finance Magazine

...Awarded as Bank of the Year 2013 By Emea Finance Magazine 2014 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2013” , based on its superior growth, overall performance and inn

BKT Awarded as Bank of the Year 2011 By Emea Finance Magazine

...Awarded as Bank of the Year 2011 By Emea Finance Magazine 2012 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded as “The Best Bank of Albania for 2011”, based on its superior growth, overall performance and inno

BKT - Participated At Labor Fair, 2017

...- Participated At Labor Fair, 2017 2017 In the framework of supporting to promote and support the creation of new job vacancies takes part in the Labor Fair 2017, organized by the Ministry of Socia



Banka Kombetare Tregtare signed a cooperation agreement with the British Embassy, co-sponsoring the "Chevening" scholarship program

...Kombetare Tregtare signed a cooperation agreement with the British Embassy, co-sponsoring the "Chevening" scholarship program. 2023 The Chevening Scholarships will be open to interested Albanian na

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded from Global Finance as ‘’The best bank in Albania for year 2023’’

...Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded from Global Finance as ‘’The best bank in Albania for year 2023’’ 2023 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded from Global Finance as ‘’The best bank in Albania for year 2

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) organized the inauguration ceremony of its newest branch “Dega Çorovodë”.

...Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) organized the inauguration ceremony of its newest branch “Dega Çorovodë”. 2017 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) organized the inauguration ceremony of its newest branch “Dega

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare attended in Work & Study Fair 2016

...Kombëtare Tregtare attended in Work & Study Fair 2016 2016 With the aim to support and promote employment BKT attended in Job Fair 2016 organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in partners

Aplikimi i kartës së kreditit

Announcement about the cost of money transfers performed online

...about the cost of money transfers performed online 2020 Banka Kombetare Tregtare following the order issued by Bank of Albania on April 08, 2020, with the purpose of supporting our customers to ove

Albania Was Presented In the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum

...Was Presented In the Euromoney Central & Eastern European Forum 2016 Euromoney Conferences gathered over 1,200 delegates in Vienna in the 21st installment of its Central and Eastern Europe Forum AL

1.000 Lekë eXtra Bonus with Prima Credit Cards

...1,000 lekë eXtra Bonus with your Prima Credit Card! More eXtra Bonus for purchases with your BKT Prima credit cards! More eXtra Bonus for purchases with your BKT Prima credit cards ! By making at l

1.000 Lekë eXtra Bonus me Kartat e Kreditit Prima

...1,000 lekë eXtra Bonus me kartën e kreditit Prima! Më tepër eXtra Bonus për blerjet e kryera me kartat e kreditit BKT Prima! Më tepër eXtra Bonus për blerjet e kryera me kartat e kreditit BKT Prima

1,000 ALL eXtra Bonus as a reward to all new Prima credit cardholders who apply for a new VISA credit card!

...000 ALL eXtra Bonus as a reward to all new Prima credit cardholders who apply for a new VISA credit card! Happy 8th of March with Prima credit cards! All female cardholders who apply for a new VISA

"Best Buy" Medal

...has been awarded the Best Buy medal 2021 BKT has been awarded the Best Buy medal as the financial institution for the best ratio of quality banking services in the Albanian market According to the

Turning your vacation into her favourite childhood memory! Priceless®!

This campaign will be executed in these 3 following periods : First period – July 1, 2023 – July 31, 2023.

Softueri i sigurisë së aplikacionit celular – Rihapje procesi

...i sigurisë së aplikacionit celular – Rihapje procesi...

Siguracion TPL dhe Kasko për mjetet në pronësi të BKT

acion TPL dhe Kasko për mjetet në pronësi të BKT...

Rinovimi dhe zgjerim i abonimit të shërbimit “Veeam Availability Suite Universal Backup”

...dhe zgjerim i abonimit të shërbimit “Veeam Availability Suite Universal Backup” 2023...

Rinovim HPE Support për Datacenter dhe Infrastrukturën

...HPE Support për Datacenter dhe Infrastrukturën 2022...

Request for Information - High-Capacity ATM

...for Information - High-Capacity ATM 2023...

Renew and extend Veeam Availability Suite Universal Backup solutions subscription

...and extend Veeam Availability Suite Universal Backup solutions subscription 2023...

Purchase of Penetration Tests Activities

...of Penetration Tests Activities 2023...

Purchase of Penetration Tests Activities

...of Penetration Tests Activities 2023...

Purchase of new BPM cash counting/sorting machines

...of new BPM cash counting/sorting machines 2023...

Purchase and implementation of " HPE Servers and Tape Library Backup "

...and implementation of " HPE Servers and Tape Library Backup " 2022...

Purchase and implementation of “e-Procurement & Contract Management (e-PCM)”

...and implementation of “e-Procurement & Contract Management (e-PCM)” 2022...

Privacy Policy

Oracle Linux Support Licenses – Reopen process

acle Linux Support Licenses – Reopen process...

Oracle Linux Support Licenses – Reopen process

acle Linux Support Licenses – Reopen process...

Oracle Linux Support Licenses

acle Linux Support Licenses 2023...

Oracle Linux Support Licenses

acle Linux Support Licenses 2023...

Oracle licenses purchase

Online Cashback

...ONLINE me kartën e debitit BanKomaT dhe përfito CASHBACK! Kartat e debitit BanKomaT janë gjithmonë pranë jush për t’ju shpërblyer me CASHBACK! Kryeni transaksione me kartat BanKomaT ONLINE dhe do t

Online Cashback

BKT BanKomaT debit cards and BKT Prima credit cards are always by your side with lots of surprises! By performing 5 online transactions with your BKT card you will earn 2,000 All cashback at the end o

Online Cashback

Perform transactions with BKT BanKomaT debit cards ONLINE and you will be rewarded according to the schema below: 3 transactions – 1,000 All cashback 5 transactions – 5,000 All cashback 10 or more tra

Offer saving account

...saving account 31st of October is the World Savings Day and in order to increase awareness and educate on the importance of saving, BKT launches two weeks offer for its saving account. 31 st of Oct

Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) for Datacenter

...Generation Firewall (NGFW) for Datacenter 2023...

Next Generation Firewall (NGFW) for Datacenter

...Generation Firewall (NGFW) for Datacenter 2023...

Make 5 online transactions and earn 1,000 All Cashback with your Visa BanKomaT Debit Card!

In the same day, in the same merchant will be counted only one transaction ! Valid will be counted transactions performed online with BKT VISA BanKomat debit card in any virtual POS . Transactions whi

Make 5 online transactions and earn 1,000 All Cashback with your mastercard® BanKomaT Debit Card!

In the same day, in the same merchant will be counted only one transaction ! Valid will be counted transactions performed online with BKT mastercard® BanKomat debit card in any virtual POS . Transacti

Linjë Fibër Provizore ndërmjet Datacenters

...Fibër Provizore ndërmjet Datacenters 2023...

License’s Renewal - Dual factor authentication endpoints NAC health checks for VPN users

...Renewal - Dual factor authentication endpoints NAC health checks for VPN users...

License’s Renewal - Dual factor authentication endpoints NAC health checks for VPN users

...Renewal - Dual factor authentication endpoints NAC health checks for VPN users...

Kryej 5 veprime online dhe fito 1,000 lekë Cashback me kartën e debitit Visa BanKomaT!

...5 veprime online dhe fito 1,000 lekë Cashback me kartën e debitit Visa BanKomaT! Kartat e debitit Visa BanKomaT janë gjithmonë pranë jush për t’ju shpërblyer me CASHBACK! Mjafton të kryeni 5 veprim

Kryej 5 veprime online dhe fito 1,000 lekë Cashback me kartën e debitit mastercard® BanKomaT!

...5 veprime online dhe fito 1,000 lekë Cashback me kartën e debitit mastercard® BanKomaT! Kartat e debitit mastercard® BanKomaT janë gjithmonë pranë jush për t’ju shpërblyer me CASHBACK! Mjafton të k

Kërkesë për Informacion - High-Capacity ATM

...për Informacion - High-Capacity ATM 2023...

HPE Support Renewal for Datacenters and Infrastructure

...Support Renewal for Datacenters and Infrastructure 2022...

Happy Holidays and plenty of Cashback with BKT cards!

Performing transactions with your debit or credit card will reward you as the below scheme: 7 transactions – 1,000 ALL cashback 15 transactions – 5,000 ALL cashback 30 or more transactions -10,000 ALL

Fito 3,000 lekë CASHBACK në Megatek!

Fushata është e vlefshme për të gjitha kartat e debitit BanKomaT dhe kartat e kreditit Prima individuale. Do të konsiderohen vetëm e veprimet e kryera në POS-et fizik të BKT në Megatek. Në një ditë do

Fito 3,000 lekë Cashback duke paguar me kartat Visa në Supermarket!

Kartëmbajtësit nuk mund të mbledhin si total veprimet e dy ose më shumë kartave. Cashback-u do të kreditohet në bazë kartëmbajtësi. Një kartëmbajtës nuk mund të përfitojë cashback-un dhe në kartën e d

Fito 2,000 lekë cashback duke paguar me kartat BanKomaT në Supermarket!

Kartëmbajtesit nuk mund të mbledhin si total veprimet e dy ose më shumë kartave. Cashback-u mund të përfitohet vetëm 1 herë. Fushata është e vlefshme vetëm për kartat e debitit BanKomat individuale .

Fito 10% CASHBACK me BKT Prima mastercard® gjatë UNUM Festival!

Një kartëmbajtës mund të fitoj vetëm një herë cashback-un me të njejtën kartë krediti Prima mastercard® Maksimumi i cashback-ut që mund të përfitohet është 3,000 lekë . Prima mastercard®, karta e mund

Fito 1,000 lekë CASHBACK me kartën e debitit BanKomaT!

...1,000 lekë CASHBACK me kartën e debitit BanKomaT! CASHBACK-u është i yti! Mjafton që deri më 12 Qershor 2023 të kryesh 10 veprime me kartën tënde të debitit BanKomaT! CASHBACK -u është i yti! Mjaft

Fiber Service between Datacenters

...Service between Datacenters 2023...

Festo me kartat e BKT dhe fito cashback!

Kryeni transaksione me kartat tuaja të debitit ose të kreditit dhe do të shpërbleheni sipas skemës së mëposhtme: 7 transaksione – 1,000 lekë cashback 15 transaksione – 5,000 lekë cashback 30 ose më sh

Earn 3,000 leke Cashback by paying with BKT Visa cards in Supermarkets!

In the same day, in the same merchant is considered only one transaction. Transactions will be counted in card base. Transactions performed in two cards cannot be summed as a whole total. Cashback wil

Earn 3,000 ALL CASHBACK in Megatek!

Valid in this campaign will be considered retail BanKomaT debit cards and Prima credit cards . Only transactions performed in physical BKT POS in Megatek will be counted. In the same day will be consi

Earn 2,000 All Cashback by paying with BKT BanKomaT cards in Supermarkets!

In the same day, in the same merchant is considered only one transaction. Transactions will be counted in card base. Transactions performed in two cards cannot be summed as a whole total. Cashback can

Earn 10% cashback with your BKT Prima mastercard® during Unum Festival!

Paying with your Prima mastercard® credit card in Unum Festival will make you earn 10% of the total amount spent as cashback! Mastercard® Prima cardholders should perform at least 2 transactions with

Depozitoni në Smart BanKomaT dhe përfitoni Cashback!

...e mëposhtme dhe depozitoni Lekë në llogarinë tuaj bankare për tu bërë pjesë e fushatës Cashback: Vizitoni një Smart BanKomaT dhe vendosni kartën e debitit BanKomaT dhe PIN-in tuaj. Zgjidhni funksio

Deposit in Smart BanKomaT and earn Cashback!

Have you recently deposited in BKT Smart BanKomaT? If not, then deposit again at Smart BanKomaT and we will give you up to 500 Lekë Cashback! Have you recently deposited in BKT Smart BanKomaT ? If not


...2-4 installments with 0% interest How to benefit from: Making transactions using BKT Prima credit cards in BKT POS’s will make you earn the possibility to split the transaction into installments. A


...2-4 këste me 0% interes Si të përfitoni: Duke kryer pagesa me kartat e kreditit BKT Prima në POS-et e BKT ju përfitoni mundësine e ndarjes në këste. Informacion shtesë: Të gjithë Kartat e Kreditit

Data Privacy Statement

Cooperation Agreement: BKT –Faculty of Economic, University of Tirana

...Agreement: BKT –Faculty of Economic, University of Tirana 2021 Tirana, Albania (July 14, 2021) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare signed a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Economic, University of

Contact Us



...& ATM STACION I TRENIT 41.335611, 19.813861 Rr. Asim Vokshi, Ndërtesa nr.14, Tiranë, Shqipëri +355 4 22 34 047, +355 4 22 30 748 No


...& ATM LAÇ 41.637722, 19.712500 Rr. "Erjon Hoxha", Lagja nr. 3, Laç, Shqipëri +355 5 32 22 79 5 No

Bono Thesari & Obligacione

BliOne Cashback

Kartat e debitit ® BanKomaT dhe kartat e kreditit Prima janë gjithmonë pranë teje për të të shpërblyer me CASHBACK! Mjafton të kryesh 5 veprime online me kartën tënde dhe menjëherë pas mbarimit të fus

Blerje e licencave Oracle

...e licencave Oracle 2023...

Blerje dhe Implementimi i " HPE Servers dhe Tape Library Backup "

...dhe Implementimi i " HPE Servers dhe Tape Library Backup " 2022...

Black Friday

...CASHBACK 6 transactions – 5,000 lekë CASHBACK 10 or more transactions – 10,000 lekë CASHBACK Terms of the campaign: The valid cards for the campaign are: BKT Prima credit cards and BKT BanKomaT deb

Black Friday

...– 1,000 lekë CASHBACK 6 transaksione – 5,000 lekë CASHBACK 10 ose më shumë transaksione – 10,000 lekë CASHBACK Kushtet e fushatës: Në fushatë janë pjesëmarrëse kartat e kreditit Prima dhe kartat e

BKT Organizes Foreign Trade Practices Seminar

...Organizes Foreign Trade Practices Seminar 2011 Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, in line with the aim at being closer to its corporate clients, has organized the Foreign Trade Practices Seminar BKT ORGANIZ

BKT Keeps Creating Facilities To Its Clients

“Our focus on client service and our extraordinarily competitive offers make our clients feel differentiated”, he adds further.Banka Kombëtare Tregtare, chosen as Bank of the Year 2010 for Albania fro

BanKomaT Online Cashback

Perform transactions with BKT BanKomaT debit cards ONLINE and you will be rewarded according to the schema below: 3 transactions – 1,000 All cashback 5 transactions – 5,000 All cashback 10 or more tra

BanKomaT Online Cashback

...Online Cashback Bli ONLINE me Kartën e Debitit BanKomaT dhe përfito CASHBACK! Kartat e debitit BanKomaT janë gjithmonë pranë jush për t’ju shpërblyer me CASHBACK!

Back to School vjen me CASHBACK me kartat BanKomaT Visa!

Në fushatë janë të përfshira vetëm kartat e debitit individuale Visa. Veprime e kryera dhe më pas të bera reverse/canceled do të përjashtohen nga fushata. Çdo gjë është më e thjeshtë me BanKomaT!

Back to School vjen me CASHBACK me kartat BanKomaT mastercard®!

Në fushatë janë të përfshira vetëm kartat e debitit individuale mastercard®. Veprime e kryera dhe më pas të bëra reverse/canceled do të përjashtohen nga fushata. Çdo gjë është me e thjeshtë me BanKoma

Back to School brings CASHBACK with your BanKomat card Visa!

Valdi will be considered only transactions performed in merchants of “QTU” & “TEG” shopping malls who own BKT POS . Campaign duration is” (until 9 October 2022) Valid will be considered only transacti

Back to School brings CASHBACK with your BanKomat card mastercard®!

Valdi will be considered only transactions performed in merchants of “QTU” & “TEG” shopping malls who own BKT POS . Campaign duration is” (until 9 October 2022) Valid will be considered only transacti

Automatic Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts

4 dated on 31.01.2020 "On Automatic Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts" Banka Kombëtare Tregtare as one of the Financial Institutions in Albania is obliged to determine the necessary measur

Anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign!

All bank employees who have not passed COVID-19, will be financially motivated with 5,000 Lekë bonus for each vaccine they will get in this time period. BKT is the first company in Albania that financ

Announcement for customers - New interest rate for current accounts in Euro and Dollar

Interest will be accrued on current accounts as the end of each year. *Bank is required by law to apply withholding tax over bank interest.

Achievement Awards from Finance Central Europe for 2022

Achievement Awards from Finance Central Europe for 2022 2022 Finance Central Europe at the "Top South East Europe Bank Rankings 2022" event on its 23 ͩ anniversary, rewards Mr. Seyhan Pencablıgil CEO

Achievement Awards from Finance Central Europe for 2020

Achievement Awards from Finance Central Europe for 2020 2020 Finance Central Europe at the "Top South East Europe Bank Rankings 2020" event on its 21th anniversary, rewards Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil CEO

Achievement Awards from Finance Central Europe for 2019

Achievement Awards from Finance Central Europe 2019 ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS FROM FINANCE CENTRAL EUROPE Finance Central Europe at the "Top South East Europe Bank Rankings 2019" event on its 20th anniversar

5% Cash Back

Participants will be both debit and credit card holders. During the registration, the cardholder must specify the last 4 numbers of the participating card. Participants in the campaign will be both Vi

5% Cash Back

Pjesëmarrës do të jenë si kartëmbajtësit e kartave të debitit ashtu edhe ato të kreditit. Në momentin e regjistrimit kartëmbajtësi duhet të specifikojë 4 numrat e fundit të kartës pjesëmarrëse. Pjesëm

3,000 lekë CASHBACK me BanKomaT! Vetëm duke kryer 5 transaksione, secili minimumi 6,000 lekë!

...000 lekë CASHBACK me BanKomaT! Vetëm duke kryer 5 transaksione, secili minimumi 6,000 lekë! Me kartën e debitit BanKomaT shpenzimet tuaja rimbursohen! Me kartën e debitit BanKomaT shpenzimet tuaja

3,000 ALL CASHBACK with BanKomaT! Only by making 5 transactions, 6,000 ALL minimum each!

Valid will be considered only transactions done in BKT physical POS . Transactions done in other banks POS or online will not be counted. In the same day, in the same merchant will be considered valid

2,000 lekë Cashback me kartën BanKomaT mastercard®!

...000 lekë Cashback me kartën BanKomaT mastercard®! Ty të pëlqen të surprizosh të dashurit e tu, ndërkohë që karta jote BanKomaT mastercard® të surprizon ty! Përdore atë në çfarëdo POS-i fizik apo on

2,000 All cashback with Debit BanKomaT mastercard®!

You like to surprise your loved ones, while you BanKomaT mastercard® surprises you! Use it in any POS, physical or online, in Albania or abroad and get 2,000 lekë cashback. Terms and conditions to ben

1000 lekë CASHBACK me BanKomaT Visa!

...lekë CASHBACK me BanKomaT Visa! Me kartat e debitit BKT BanKomaT Visa ju fitoni CASHBACK! Me kartat e debitit BKT BanKomaT Visa ju fitoni CASHBACK ! Mjafton të kryeni 4 transaksione , secila në vle

1000 lekë CASHBACK me BanKomaT mastercard®!

...lekë CASHBACK me BanKomaT mastercard®! Me kartat e debitit BKT BanKomaT mastercard® ju fitoni CASHBACK! Me kartat e debitit BKT BanKomaT mastercard® ju fitoni CASHBACK ! Mjafton të kryeni 4 transak

1,000 All CASHBACK with your Visa BanKomaT!

Valid will be considered performed in any banks POS’s (in Albania and abroad), physical and online . One cardholder can benefit only one with one debit card. Campaign is valid only for Visa retail deb

1,000 All CASHBACK with your BanKomaT mastercard®

Valid will be considered performed in any banks POS’s (in Albania and abroad), physical and online . One cardholder can benefit only one with one debit card. Campaign is valid only for retail debit ma

1,000 All CASHBACK with the BanKomaT debit card!

In this campaign will be counted as valid only transactions performed with your BKT debit card in all types of POS, physical or online. In the same day in the same merchant will be counted only one tr